5 camping cooking tips for a unique outdoor experience 
February 16, 2024

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post for Eat with Ellen

It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of the outdoors, and camping is a huge part of my life. In a world where so many of us spend so much time online, from working, streaming TV shows, playing games on sites like Lottoland, or scrolling on social media, the internet is pretty much everywhere we go. 

With that in mind, I can’t help but think it’s more important than ever that getting outdoors is a big deal. And how better than getting at one with nature through something like camping. You can’t quite beat sitting outside, glass in hand, and cooking over fire.

camping cooking
(Image courtesy of Pixabay)

Given I’m a fan of camping cooking, here are a few camping cooking tips to make sure you have a great time on your next camping adventure.

Keep it simple when choosing your camping utensils

The main aim of planning your camping trip ahead is to ensure you have the right balance between your camping utensils and the meals you intend to prepare. Because no, you don’t need the kitchen sink! Your camping kitchen should be both convenient and functional, especially if you’re carrying it yourself.

Some utensils that are ‘must-haves’ are:-

  • A compact stove for your hot meals. 
  • A cooking pot that doubles as a pan – which you can use to fry, boil or even steam. 
  • A versatile utensil set, including spoons, tongs, and spatula. 
  • Some kind of multi-functional knife that can double as an opener. 
  • Collapsible bowls and plates to eat from.

Make your meal plan and recipes easy to prepare

Camping often involves cooking for a group. This is why you should create a meal plan with easy-to-prepare meals to ensure everyone’s needs are catered to. In this case, consider dishes that require minimal ingredients to prepare.

Burgers and hot dogs are a great example and always a crowd-pleaser. But don’t forget to consider everyone’s dietary restrictions when planning ahead and assign cooking and serving responsibilities to make it even more enjoyable. 

Camping cooking
(Image courtesy of Pixabay)

Plan on how to keep your food fresh

Remember you can’t carry a fridge with you – so you’ll need to bear that in mind. Consider carrying smoked or cured meats since they have longer shelf lives. You can also keep your perishable items in airtight containers and submerge them in cold water if you don’t have insulated freeze-water bottles. 

You can also carry canned food, including tuna, chicken, or salmon. These have a prolonged shelf-life so no need for refrigeration. 

Try to remember nutrition still matters

Yes you’re away for fun, but there’s no harm in still making smart food choices. Fresh fruit and veg are nutritious but often perishable and hard to carry, so you might have to think outside the box. Try carrying dried versions, which are less bulky and less perishable. 

Also, since pasta and rice consume a lot of time and fuel in their preparation, consider carrying instant noodle packs. These are usually easy to prepare since all you need is to submerge them in boiled water, and within no time, you have yourself a hot meal in the middle of the jungle. 

Nuts and seeds are some of the high-energy and portable food items you can carry on your next camping trip. 

The whole idea is to focus on complex carbohydrates, essential fats, and proteins to ensure your energy level is at optimum. 

Take advantage of your environment

Camping is a great way to make natural connections with Mother Nature. In that case, you can take advantage of local ingredients, including chilli peppers, mushrooms, and wild berries, to keep your body nourished. 

Besides, you can go fishing (if it’s allowed in the area where you camp) and gather some forage to prepare yourself a wholesome meal for the team. Simply get everyone involved in food hunting to make it enjoyable and memorable. 

However, as you let your surroundings inspire your recipes, ensure you know which ingredients are suitable for human consumption. If not, avoid them because nobody wants to accidentally poison themselves.

camping cooking
(Image courtesy of Pixabay)

Final Thought

Planning ahead is the secret to having a great and unique camping cooking experience. You want a convenient and functional camping kitchen to enjoy your camping adventure. 

In that case, follow the tips discussed above to make your camp cooking an enjoyable part of your camping adventure rather than a necessary chore. Remember to leave the campsite clean once you are done and stick to the motto ‘leave no trace’.
